Florian Freutel

Florian Freutel

Florian Freutel is a Senior Expert at ICLEI’s Biodiversity & Nature-based Solutions team. He joined ICLEI Europe in October 2023 and works on the Berlin Urban Nature Pact, Urban Nature Plans+, RECREATE and CARMINE projects. Florian has about 12 years of professional experience and has worked with various institutions and organisations on issues related to nature-based solutions (especially green facades and living walls), climate mitigation and adaptation, forestry, supply chains, ecosystem services and protected area management. He has gained international experience in West Papua, Bolivia, Fiji and New Zealand, working with organisations including GIZ, OroVerde, Unique, Solidaridad and Vertiko. His mission is to pave the way for thriving and resilient green-blue infrastructures in Europe’s cities.

#resilientcity #classroom2 #tuesday #session4.3